6/3/2014 Saint Paul, NE Tornado warned overnight extreme hail storm B-Roll
A tornado-warned storm swept over St. Paul, Nebraska after dark with winds of nearly 70mph and golfball-sized hail. This storm hit the town of St. Paul, which is 25 miles north of Grand Island. Scene 1: Dash cam shot of gas station in high winds resembling a hurricane as a pickup truck leaves. Scene 2:…
6/3/2014 Howard County Nebraska Tornado Warning B-Roll
HP Supercell thunderstorm was tornado warned from Valley County to Howard County. Video is from the chase from Ord to Saint Paul, Nebraska. 1) A funnel cloud over north-central Nebraska with lightning. 2) Driving east, south of the tornado warned storm with confirmed tornadoes in Howard County, Nebraska. 3,4) Dust spinning up under rotating clouds…
6/3/2014 North Central Missouri High Winds and Shelf Cloud B-Roll
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 sure did turn out to be a shelf cloud and rainy evening. I headed north of Kansas City towards the Iowa boarder to see what I could find structure wise with the storms that were moving towards the east/southeast from Nebraska. There was a storm that had form in Northwest Missouri…
6/3/2014 Broken Bow, NE 2 Inch Hail Storm B-Roll
Storms that developed across southwest Nebraska later in the evening became prolific hail producers. One storm crossed Nebraska State Rt. 2 a few miles southeast of Broken Bow dumping mostly 1-1.5\" hail, but maxed out at 2.25\" with one of the largest stones found in a hole in the ground just off the highway. Scenes…
6/3/2014 Taylor, NE Severe Storms B-Roll
A large outbreak of severe weather tore across Nebraska on Tuesday with several tornadoes reported, and many reports of high winds, hail, and damage. One storm erupted over western Nebraska and moved into Loup County where an unconfirmed tornado was reported by emergency management near Taylor where this video was shot. Scene 1-2: POV shots…
6/3/2014 Burwell In the tornado circulation B-roll
Clip of driving in tornado in Burwell Nebraska Just past half way into clip you can see the condensation funnel building around my car on the road, I was dead center in the tornado as it was increasing power. For the most part this is unedited video except for one cut. To license this footage,…
June 3rd, 2014 Live Video Blog
Today we have several of our chasers out in the Nebraska area where a tornado watch is in place this afternoon. Below are the live video previews from our Youtube Live setup. Ben McMillan Live Feed. Brandon Clark Nick Elms and Amanda Hill Simon Brewer and Juston Drake
6/1/2014 Asland, KS Flooding & Hailstorm B-Roll
During the afternoon hours of June 1st,2014 a strong storm system formed in west central Kansas area and moved east across the state. Shot 1: Hail Core/ Structure near Satanta, Ks Shot 2: Hail Core/ Structure near Satanta, Ks Shot 3: Pea sized hail falling into puddle in slow motion (960 Fps) Shot 4: Vehicle…
6/1/2014 Dodge City, KS Storm Damage, Flooding, Hail & Dust Storm
Footage of utility lines downed by high winds from a powerful microburst associated with a severe thunderstorm producing heavy hail and rainfall south of Dodge City, KS. Also, footage of severe erosion from flash flooding south of Dodge City, KS from these thunderstorms. Also, footage of hail, high winds, lightning, and horses trying to escape…
6/1/2014 Clark County Kansas Hail Storm and High Winds B-Roll
A severe thunderstorm on the tail end of a squall line in Kansas produced large hail and over 70mph winds in southwest Kansas. Numerous power poles were reported down and some communities were left in the dark Sunday night due to the power outages. 1) Storm base shot. 2,3) Driving towards a severe thunderstorm with…