Pretty Fall Colors, Barron County, WI – 9/22/2021

The first day of fall was sure a nice and warm one. Highs made into the upper 60s. Low dewpoints. Over the last few days the fall colors really started to pop. This video package will show the fall colors as of right now. We got about two weeks before peak. You will also see the heat rising of the ground in many of the clips. Couldn’t ask for a better fall day.

Clip Description:

Clip 1. Grain bins in the foreground with the fall colors in the background.
Clip 2. An old barn with the fall colors.
Clip 3. Silos with the fall colors.
Clips 4. Cows enjoying this warm fall day.
Clip 5. This cow appears to be enjoying the warm fall day.
Clips 6-15. Fall colors shot in different areas of Barron County, WI.
Clips 16-18. Close up shots of the changing leaves.
Clips 19-23. Other fall colors.

SID: Dirk Miller

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