Amazing Honey Grove, TX Tornado Sunset – 4/24/2020

Blinded by the sun as the tornado was forming.

Amazing footage of the Tornado on Friday evening in Honey Grove Texas that formed behind the videographer and caught him off guard until he realized what was happening as the tornado was crossing the path of the setting sun as they where ready to get into their below ground tornado shelter.

Shot Description

00:00 – 55:15 Main clip of the tornado with post edit stabilization to show the incredible images as the vortex spins and is perfectly back lit by the setting sun.

*** The following is the raw footage without post production edits ***

55:15 Videographer panning the sky and looking up at the clouds.

1:11:15 Panning over the sky and clouds and do not yet realize the tornado was behind them in the sun.

1:36:24 Looking up at the updraft, they realize the tornado is right behind them in the setting sun. Long clip of the tornado and pan up to the clouds and back down.

3:59:19 Tornado off in the distance now, grey trunk hanging halfway down to the ground.

SID: John Iannotti

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