Winter storm is causing problems in northwestern WI this evening. This video package shows one accident that did injure one person. The accident was the cause by the heavy snow. The roads became snow covered and slippery rather fast this evening. The video package will show the heavy snow, along with blowing of the snow.
Shot Description
Clip 1. Rice Lake Fire/rescue, along with the police heading to an accident.
Clip 2. Wide shot of the accident.
Clip 3. Close up shot of the accident.
Clip 4. Fire rescue rolling the gurney to the vehicle for the injured person.
Clip 5. EMS and fire rescue working on the injured person in the vehicle.
Clip 6. EMS and fire rescue moving the injured person to and into the ambulance.
Clip 7. Tow truck driver hooking up another vehicle from the same accident.
Clip 8-9. Vehicle being loaded onto the flatbed.
Clip 10. Blowing and drifting snow about 7 miles west of Rice Lake out in Barron County.
Clip 11. Blowing snow with a car driving through the shot.
Clip 12. Heavy snow falling.
Clip 13. Flags blowing in the wind with heavy snow falling and blowing.
Clip 14. Close up shot of a flag blowing in the wind with heavy snow and blowing snow.
Clip 15. Snow blowing off a roof.