The coldest temperatures of the Winter descended upon the Colorado Plateau plunging the Colorado River to as cold as -6F with river steam, diamond dust & frost along Highway 128 near Castle Valley, Utah.
Shot Description
1 Highway 128 bridge over Colorado River
2 Frosty Colorado River sign
3 Red Rock reflections with Ice flow
4 Ice Flow on Colorado River
5 Frost with rack focus to River
6 Wide shot of Frost on grass
7 Frost on grass
8 Sunlit Frost
9 Backlit Frost
10 Frost against red rock
11 Diamond Dust over Highway 128 in -F Temperatures.
12 Diamond Dust stationary shot
13 Steam on Colorado River
14 Steam on River
15 Panning shot of steam on river
16 Ice Flow on Colorado River
17 Freezing Fog near Castle Valley over the Colorado River