Time-lapse video of massive haboob (dust storm) swallowing Phoenix, Arizona.
Shot Description
Shot 1: Wide angle aerial time lapse showing the beginning and what would end up being a pretty decent size haboob rolling through Phoenix. First frame is at 17:45. Last at 18:30 local time.
Shot 2: Medium time lapse of dust storm overtaking the airport. Notice the control tower getting taken over by dust.
Shot 3: Medium time lapse of dust storm overtaking the skyline of Phoenix, Arizona.
Shot 4: Tight shot of dust approaching Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.
Shot 5: Wide shot of dust storm.
Shot 6: Tight shot of dust very close to Airport
Shot 7: Dust overtaking downtown Phoenix. The roof of MLB baseball bark Chase trying to close but not quite in time.
Shot 8: Wide shot of people looking at the dust as it approaches the summit of South Mountain.
SID: Bryan Snider