Colby, KS Blizzard Begins – 4/13/2018

Major late season blizzard mows through the high plains, dumping heavy wind-driven snow across portions of Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. Numerous highways were closed due to whiteout conditions that lead to dozens of crashes across the region. Winds gusted over 70mph along I-70 in Colorado leading to the closure of the interstate from the KS line to Limon. Blizzard conditions moved into extreme northwest Kansas during the afternoon, with snow falling sideways as winds ahead of the system picked up out of the north, gusting over 60mph. Video package shot along I-70 in Colby as the storm kicked up late in the afternoon. Shot Description Scene 1-2: Shot of KDOT sign warning westbound KS drivers of the closure at the KS/CO border. Scene 3-4: Shots of heavy snow and wind blowing the Colby City Limit sign along I-70. Scene 5: Very heavy snow falling against a Colby business as nature exceptionally delivers a late winter blast. Scene 6-8: Shots of blowing snow at the eastern exit to Colby on I-70 showing the significantly reduced visibility. Scene 9: Shot of two eastbound vehicles on a very quiet I-70 as blowing snow reduces visibility. Scene 10-13: Various POV driving shots along I-70 near Colby showing very limited visibility in blowing snow across the interstate. Scene 14: Long shot of Colby traffic in the snow. Scene 15: Shot of traffic driving in snow in Colby. Scene 16: Shot of business signs in the snow and wind. SID: Tornadoes Kick Media

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