2/24/2013 Mead, CO Highway Blizzard

Blizzard conditions persisted through the day across Denver as a major winter storm brought traffic to a standstill near the town of Mead between Denver and Ft. Collins.

A multi-vehicle crash virtually shut down I-25 as white-out conditions reduced visibility to a couple hundred feet. High winds combined with the extremely heavy snow made traffic nearly impossible.

Package opens with establishing shots of stopped traffic on I-25 with the Mead exit sign in the foreground barely visible in the snow. Shots of main accident scene including emergency crews, vehicles off the side of the highway (northbound), and one vehicle facing southbound in the northbound side. Various other shots of damaged and stranded vehicles along I-25 near Mead. Last shots of extremely low visibility conditions, including a great shot of an inbound snowplow driving past in extremely limited visibility.