Huge swells crash over seawalls and wash onto roads as the beginnings of a massive storm surge rise in Key West FL with approach of Hurricane Irma. Shots pedestrians, high winds, some tree damage debris, and other various shots in Key West.
All footage shot during morning daylight in Key West FL on September 9, 2017 by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1. shot of winds blowing flags and trees at National Weather Service Office in Key West
3-5. pushed-in shots of agitated seas along Key West FL coast
6-7. shots of massive waves crashing against Key West seawall
8-18. shots of surge water washing onto highway in Key West FL
19. various shots of massive waves crashing over seawalls in Key West FL
20-21 . pushed-in shot of vehicle driving through flooded road with large waves crashing in background at the "Southern Most Point Buoy"
22. shots of high winds blowing palm trees in Key West FL
23. shot of vehicles driving around tree branch in roadway in Key West
24. shot of car driving in high winds
25. shot of a resident rooster keeping watch over Key West
26. shot of 2 men riding bikes in high winds with blowing debris in Key West
27. shot of "Key West Evacuation Sign"
28 & 29. shots of beginning of US Route 1 in Key West with rainy feeder band hitting area