Great shots of two Carnival Cruise ships arriving and departing the docks at Key West FL during summer vacation season in Key West Florida. Scenes around Key West in perfect tropical cruise weather including Key West sunset. Shots from our multiple remote HD cameras around Key West.
1) US, FL, and Conch Republic flags fly at Mallory Square in Key West FL.
2) Carnival Victory at the Outer Mole dock.
3,4,5,6) Carnival Dream arrives at the B dock at Mallory Square.
7) Wide shot of Carnival Dream and the Key West channel in bright sun and blue water.
8) Tighter shot of people exiting on the gangways of the ship.
9) Tank Island (aka Sunset Key) off Key West.
10) Schooner on water.
11) Iconic roosters on Mallory Square.
12) Conch Train at Front St.
13) Key West Bight Marina.
14) Great side shot of Carnival Dream departing during evening.
15,16) Sunset off Key West.