Residents of rural Clinton County south of Plattsburg, MO awoke to moderate to severe tornado damage from last night's storm that struck mid-evening. Daylight revealed the full impact of the storm with some houses losing roofs and walls, and even full structural collapse of residences lost in the most severely-hit areas.
Interviews were conducted with area homeowners, and neighbors, as they came to help those in need.
Shot Description
Shot 1- Damaged home (wide)
Shot 2- Horses that broke lose during tornado being round up
Shot 3- Neighbor helps and hugs a homeowner who suffered damage on her property
Shot 4- House destroyed (wide)
Shot 5- Low shot of debris
Shot 6- Tight shot of searching of rubble
Shot 7- Low shot of searching
Shot 8- House safe area where homeowner Matt rode out storm
Shot 9- Tight shot of search area
Shot 10- wide shot of search area
Shot 11- wide shot of debris
Shot 12- Neighbors find lost wallet of homeowner Matt
Shot 13- Tight shot of search
Shot 14- Garage destroyed
Shot 15- long shot of house destroyed on hill
Shot 16- Tree with tornado debris
Shot 17- SOT with homeowner Matt Gaines