The major storm system scraping across the SE US reached all the way to Key West FL as an impressive squall line and shelf cloud came through early afternoon in the Florida Keys bringing wind and heavy rain.
Shot Description
Note there is no audio for this ENG package.
Shot list:
1) Great time-lapse of shelf cloud rolling through Mallory Square in Key West with cruise ship at port.
2) Time-lapse of shelf cloud rolling through the Key West Harbor.
3) Normal speed video of shelf cloud over Key West Harbor.
4) Flag blowing on ship's mast in wind and rain.
5) Palm top blowing in wind and rain.
6) Another shot of shelf cloud over Key West Harbor as is moves over.
7) Pennant flag blowing in storm on top sailboat mast.
8,9,10,11) Four shots overlooking palm adorned Key's homes in heavy wind driven rain.
12) Boat on raised on davit in rain.