Near continuous doses of heavy lake-effect snow squalls affecting the US-131 corridor of Kalamazoo and Allegan Counties in Southwest Lower Michigan created fairly slow, slippery conditions at times sending a few cars into ditches.
Shot Description
0:00 ~ 0:07 "Winter is coming… Brace Yourself" animated sign juxtaposed with snow and traffic flow in Kalamazoo, wide.
0:07 ~ 0:12 Moving traffic in moderate snow, Kalamazoo at US-131, medium.
0:13 ~ 0:19 Car in ditch with Allegan Co. sherif car w/ flashing lights, medium.
0:20 ~ 0:25 Passing Allegan Co. plow/salt truck, slushy roads at Martin, MI, wide.
0:26 ~ 0:33 External shot of moving traffic in snow, nats., tight.
0:33 ~ 0:36 US-131 south to Kalamazoo sign, wide.
0:36 ~ 0:41 Passing car off US-131 cop w/ lights, reversal shot, near Otsego exit, tight.
0:41 ~ 0:47 Heavy lake-effect snow on US-131 with vehicles, driving, tight.
0:48 ~ 0:52 Near white-out conditions on US-131 with vehicles, driving, wide.
0:53 ~ 1:13 Assorted W/M/T driving/external shots of winter conditions in Kalamazoo/Allegan Counties.
1:13 ~ 1:28 City driving in Kalamazoo, slow traffic/mergers, break-lights, M/T.
1:29 ~ 1:35 Additional snow, driving shots on US-131, medium.