Amazing Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights footage from around 345 to 415 this morning just northwest of the Twin Cities in the town of Avon. The footage was shot overlooking Spunk Lake (yes that is the real name) in Avon, MN at the peak of the Geomagnetic Storm this morning when it was a G3 Class storm.
Watch for the Shooting Star around 1:19 in the video.
Clip 1 Long shot of the Auroras and pan to the right as the lights dance in the sky and reflect off the lake.
Clip 2 Wide shot of the auroras reflecting off the lake.
Clip 3 Tighter shot of the auroras flickering in the sky and reflecting off the lake.
Clip 4 Wide shot of the Auroras filling the sky with light and reflecting arc of light on the water.
Clip 5 Tighter shot of the auroras with a pan to the left showing them dancing in the sky.
Clip 6 Shot of the Auroras with a Northern Lights Wall Cloud looking structure under the main band of lights.
Clip 7 Northern lights band filling the sky and reflecting off the water.