It’s My Education and It’s Our Future

My education affects everyone’s future! There are 5 steps to make sure every child gets a great education. Visit to watch other videos and learn more!

The education that students get today will shape our communities for years to come. These students will be our doctors, our elected officials, and our business leaders—not to mention the parents and teachers of the next generation. If we can make sure every child gets the knowledge and skills to succeed, we can ensure a bright future for all of us.

The good news is, there are a few clear steps to make sure every child receives a great education.
1. Talk to babies. Loving interactions between parents and their children builds a strong foundation in those children’s brains—a foundation that will help them learn for the rest of their lives.
2. Begin with preschool. Great preschool programs can help all children be better prepared for school and lifelong learning. It can help children from even the toughest circumstances be ready to succeed.
3. Support great teachers. Within a school, nothing has a bigger impact on students than great teachers. We need to attract our best and brightest into the teaching profession and make sure they have the support they need to excel and their jobs.
4. Help every child succeed. All students face barriers to success, but some students face more than others. With the right courses, aides, counselors, or other supports, we can ensure that students from all backgrounds have the chance to get a great education.
5. Look beyond high school. The economy and society of the future requires more than just a high school degree to succeed and give back to the community. Training, certifications, or degrees beyond high school help families and individuals for the rest of their lives.

******** is part of an effort led by Envision Utah. In 2015, more than 52,000 Utahns shared their vision for the future in the Your Utah, Your Future survey—and that vision includes a great education for everyone.

The good news is that there are specific things we can do to improve education in Utah! We can make sure everyone gets the kind of education that will lead to prosperous communities, strong families, and a great quality of life.

Watch the other “My Education, Our Future” videos or visit to learn what we can do to make sure everyone in Utah is getting a great education.

We want everyone to learn about how to improve education in Utah. Visit us here and share!

******** website design by ThoughtLab

Video produced by Cosmic

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