Massive High Contrast Wedge Tornado Near Ottumwa, Iowa

A large wedge tornado formed near the town of Ottumwa, Iowa and quickly raced off to the Northeast at over 50MPH. Amazing video that has seven clips from varying ranges, with a vivid high contrast huge Wedge Tornado on the ground.
Shot Description

00:00 – Large wedge tornado on the ground rapidly rotating and kicking up dust and debris.
00:19 – Wide shot of the high contrast wedge tornado on the ground.
00:32 – Huge Wedge Tornado on the ground over a field.
00:48 – Tight shot of the huge Wedge Tornado on the ground kicking up debris.
00:54 – Wide shot of the huge Wedge Tornado on the ground with great contrast.
01:10 – Very tight shot of the Wedge Tornado on the ground passing in front of some farm buildings.

SID: Brandon Sullivan
#tornado #wedgetornado #iow #iowatornado #IAWX

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