Winter Storm Warning Accident Park Rapids MN – 3/11/2023

Winter storm warning hits bringing heavy snow, accidents and ice dams in Hubbard County Minnesota this morning 3/11/23.
Shot Description

00:00 – 19:00 Accident scene and police in Park Rapids, MN
19:00 – 37:00 Snowy roads and passing snow plow
37:00 – 49:00 Snow blowing and accumulating on roads and near whiteout conditions
49:00 – 01:05 Ice Dam and Large Icicles with snow falling on Lake Belle Taine, MN
01:05 – 01:14 Blowing snow in breezeway at home on Lake Belle Taine, MN
01:14 – 01:24 Snow falling on cars and cars driving in Park Rapids, MN
01:24 – 01:33 Snow falling on Lake Belle Taine
01:33 – 01:45 Driving on snowy roads, passing Snow plow and Ambulance
01:45 – 01:56 Dog waiting to get inside away from blowing snow

SID: Melanie Metz
#mnwx #winterstorm #heavysnow
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