Severe storms worked through the town of Creston, Iowa last night, June 7th, around 10 PM local time. The complex produced heavy rain and damaging straight line winds with reports of wind gusts nearing 70 mph in the town. The following video shows some of damage that occurred across parts of the town the morning of June 8th. Some of the damage includes down large trees and a barn that was torn apart. It is not known if this was from a tornado, or straight line winds yet.
Shot Description
00:00 Panning video of a barn that was torn apart by strong, damaging winds.
00:14 Panning video of damage from the barn thrown across the street and into the neighboring farm field.
00:27 Couple clips driving past the damaged barn.
00:52 Large maple tree snapped in half about half way up, then panning video into a nearby field where the wheat is flattened from the winds.
01:00 Close up of a large maple tree snapped by the damaging winds with a slow pan to the left to see the rest of the tree.
01:15 Video driving up to down tree branch in roadway, and of freelancer getting out to move the branch from the road.
SID: Trey Gift
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