An ice storm hit northwestern Wisconsin this very early Saturday morning. This cause roads, and sidewalks to become an ice skating rink. Any vehicle that sitting outside overnight and early morning hours became incased in ice. I couldn’t even get into my chase unit as it was incased in ice. The ice has been causing problems on the roadways. Been hearing of many vehicles in the ditch. Normally here in this part of Wisconsin we don’t see ice events like this that often.
Shot Description
Clip 1. Ice covered road.
Clip 2. Looking the same way of the same ice covered road, just a different view.
Clip 3. Looking the other direction of the same ice covered road.
Clip 4. A different view of the same ice covered road. Still looking the same direction.
Clip 5. A grill covered in ice.
Clip 6. A close up shot of a lawn tractor incased in ice with icicles.
Clips 7-10. My chase unit incased in ice. Which by the way I could not get into.
Clip 11. Ice covered pine needles.
Clip 12. Another set of ice covered pine needles.
Clip 13, Icicles hanging from a street sign.
Clips 14-18. Different tree branches covered in ice.
Clip 19. Icicles hanging from a street light.
Clip 20. Icicles hanging from the powerlines.
Clip 21. A birdfeeder incased in ice with icicles hanging from it.
SID: Dirk Miller
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