Ground blizzard conditions is something we don’t see much of here in Wisconsin. We have many trees to help cut down seeing blizzard like conditions like we did today.
An Arctic cold front blasted through northwestern WI this afternoon. There was an area of light to moderate snow out ahead of the cold front. Behind the Arctic cold front, winds turned to the west and became strong 25 to 35 MPH with winds gusting from 40 to 45 MPH. This caused a ground blizzard with near to whiteout conditions throughout much of Barron County. Many accidents have been reported throughout the County. This video package will show the ground blizzard conditions throughout the County. The last part will show vehicles fishtailing as they try to make a turn.
Shot Description
Clip 1. Dashcam footage of the whiteout conditions shortly after the Arctic cold front blasted through.
Clip 2. Diehard people fishing in the ground blizzard conditions.
Clips 3-4. Strong winds causing near to whiteout conditions.
Clip 5. Whiteout conditions.
Clip 6. Ground blizzard conditions.
Clips 7-8. Near whiteout conditions continue.
Clip 9. Near whiteout conditions with vehicles driving through the shot.
Clip 10. Near whiteout conditions by a farm.
Clip 11. Snow blowing off a barn’s roof as the strong winds begin to kick in.
Clip 12. Near whiteout conditions on Rice Lake.
Clip 13. Blowing snow as the strong winds starts to kick in.
Clip 14. The ground blizzard kicking in.
Clips 15-17. Vehicles fishtailing as they make the turn off of main street onto Knapp street in the city of Rice Lake.
Clip 18. City of Rice Lake plowing snow and putting some salt down.
SID: Dirk Miller
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