A rare supercell thunderstorm moved across southern Dutchess County NY, bringing high winds and torrential rain that caused tree damage and power outages across the area.
Shot Description
SHOT 1: Intense wind-driven rain blows sideways at an intersection in Stormville NY.
SHOT 2: Intense winds shred trees at the entrance to a local farm.
SHOT 3 & 4: Strong winds blow leaves off trees and across a road.
SHOT 5: Strong winds whip sheets of rain past the camera and up a tree-lined road.
SHOT 6: A police officer directs traffic around a downed tree on power lines.
SHOT 7: Locals clear lots of tree branches blocking a road near Stormville NY.
SHOT 8: Locals clear tree debris from a road in the pouring rain.
SHOT 9: Cars cross a flooded road creating large splashes.
SHOT 10: Rain pouring off a roof like a waterfall.
SHOT 11: Rain water shooting out of a downspout and across the road.
SHOT 12: Wind-driven rain whips past trees and a flagpole at a church in Stormville NY.
SID: Dave Lewison