Severe Storm and Flooding in Meade, KS – 7/17/2018

Severe storms across southwest Kansas dump torrential rains with intense winds and even some small hail. The line of storms developed just after 5pm and slowly pushed across southern Kansas through the evening. The storms knocked down tre limbs and flooded streets in the town of Meade, located about an hour south of Dodge City, Kansas.
Shot Description

Scenes 1-4: Clips during storm at its most intense with winds approaching 60mph leading to blinding rain and near zero visibility.

Scene 5: Semi driving through high winds and rain.

Scene 6-7: Clips of a Camero ducking into a car wash as small hail starts falling.

Scene 8-9: Clips of small hail falling on the concrete and in grass.

Scene 10: Vehicle pulled off on sidewalk in downtown Meade during the storm.

Scene 11: Oncoming traffic driving through flooding street.

Scene 12: SUV driving through flooded street as water nearly overtakes the hood.

Scene 13-16: Various clips of vehicles driving through street flooding in town.

Scene 17-18: Parked car with rushing water up to its bumper.

Scene 19: Water rushing down street splashing up against a street light.

Scene 20-21: Water flowing off street down a hill into a park.

Scene 22: Man dragging a large piece of metal that was blown into the road.

Scene 23-24: Clips of large tree limbs down in town.

SID: Tornadoes Kick Media

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