Major flooding continues along the Ohio River, moving downstream across southern Illinois. The river has exceeded major flood stage in many areas across the southern tip of Illinois and is expected to crest this weekend, many locations in the top 10 ever crests. Flooding along the river in Metropolis has closed down the Harrah’s casino as water has overtaken the structure. The casino was closed on Sunday, the 25th of Feb when water started threatening the building, and since then, water levels have completely submerged the parking lot, and reports that lower levels of the casino are flooded. Today, crews finished work on a makeshift pathway leading from dry ground across the flooded parking lot to the entrance. This pathway was built over the last several days and allows crews to access the building. The casino is closed until further notice, and there are no estimates on the amount of damage done inside. Shot Description Scene 1: Wide shot looking down the pathway surrounded by flood waters leading to the casino. Scene 2: Tight shot of crews working on the pathway. Scene 3: Shot of two men working on the pathway. Scene 4: Man walking along the pathway carrying a rake. Scene 5: Wide shot of man working on the pathway leading to the casino entrance. Scene 6: Shot of the casino entrance with the path leading to it. Scene 7: Wide shot of the casino and flood waters. Scene 8: Shot of one of the entrances completely inundated by flood waters. Scene 9: Shot of parking lot signs in flood waters. Scene 10: Panning shot of the Harrah’s arch to the casino in flood waters. Scene 11: Wide shot of arch and casino building with flood waters. Scene 12: Tight shot of Hannah’s arch in flood waters. Scene 13: Shot of road leading to casino and arch with flood waters. Scene 14: Shot of road closed barricade. Scene 15: Shot of road closed sign and electronic sign talking about casino closed and flood. Scene 16: Tight shot of electric sign saying casino closed due to flooding. Scene 17: Shot of police van with flooded casino in the background. Scene 18: Ground-level shot of flooded casino. SID: Tony Laubach