Belgrade, MN Storms and Damage 9/20/2017

Extreme Winds and vivid lightning hit western Stearns County, MN this evening and caused extensive damage around the town of Belgrade, MN.

All damage and down trees and power poles were leaning or blown towards the northeast. Combined with the extreme winds on the video while driving just west of the town, it is safe to say straight line winds hit the area.
Shot Description

Clip 1 Belgrade fire truck looking at damage.

Clip 2 Huge grain bin destroyed by the straight line winds.

Clip 3 -9 Lightning west of town.

Clip 10 – 13 POV Driving and lightning

Clip 14- 15 Extreme winds blowing in from the west or left to right and creating white out conditions.

Clip 16 – 21 Damage and down tree's around Belgrade in the dark.