Latest remote HD camera footage of Hurricane Irma damage and recovery at Key West at Mallory Square, cruise ship docks, Sunset Key. Also shows Navy, Coast Guard, DHLS, and FEMA vessels in action at Key West responding to disaster needs.
Shot Description
1) Wide shot of Mallory square at Key West covered in sand left by Irma's surge. FEMA vessel "Empire State" in left at Navy basin. Coast Guard vessel in Key West channel with guns. Storm clouds tower over Cuba in the far distance background.
2) Iconic Key West rooster walking around destroyed boat debris at Mallory Square, Key West.
3) FL State Trooper vehicle driving on Mallory Square.
4) People on damaged Mallory Square.
5) Another shot of state trooper vehicle.
6) Building damaged by Irma at edge of Mallory Square.
7) Coast guard vessel with gun turret protecting Key West harbor.
8) DHSL vessel approaching damaged cruise ship dock.
9) Closer shot of DHLS vessel at damaged cruise ship dock.
10,11) Navy landing craft departs Navy basin carrying relief supplies.
12,13) FEMA vessel "Empire State" at Navy basin.
14,15) Another Navy landing craft departing with supplies to upper Keys.
16) Storm clouds tower over Cuba in the far distance off Key West.
17) Dept of Homeland security (DHLS) boat patrolling Key West waters.
18) Key West business boarded up with FL state trooper.
19) Rooster eats bread left by compassionate people.
20) Damage at gate to cruise ship dock at Mallory Square.
21) Boat sunk at shore of Sunset Key off Key West.
22) Pier damaged at Southern Most Beach.