Swaying Semi near Champaign, IL – 3/30/2017

Jesse Walters of JWSevereWeather documents a severe thunderstorm in Tuscola and Champaign, Illinois. A brief, very small funnel was produced just south of Tuscola, 65 mph winds were produced, and a semi almost overturned several times during the event.
Shot Description

Shot 1, 2 – Semi truck struggles to stay upright in 50-60 mph crosswinds during a severe thunderstorm in Champaign County on Interstate 57.

Shot 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 – Intense severe thunderstorm with 65 mph measured winds in Tuscola, Il along Route 36.

Shot 8 – Brief funnel along leading edge of severe thunderstorms west of Tuscola, Il

Shot 9 – Wind driven rainfall occurring as a severe thunderstorm exits Eastern portions of Champaign Illinois.

Shot 10 – Small hail mixes in with excessive rainfall during a severe thunderstorm in Tuscola, Illinois. Motorists can be seen running for their vehicles or for the gas station.