A wind driven fire quickly spread through a recycling facility west of Phelps City, MO as storms formed to the west. Fire crews had their hands full as thick smoke and large flames were pushed northward near railroad tracks and passing motorist on Interstate 29.
Shot Description
shot 1- Wide shot of fire scene
shot 2- Low angle shot of fire scene
shot 3- Tight shot of fire scene
shot 4- Firetruck at scene
shot 5- tires
shot 6- Wide shot of scene
shot 7- billowing smoke
shot 8- tight shot of flames
shot 9- wide shot smoke
shot 10- trailer on fire
shot 11- Tight shot on more tired
shot 12- Building in fire
shot 13- wide shot of smoke
shot 14- firetrucks at scene
shot 15- tight shot on trucks
shot 16- another wide shot of smoke