Kinsley, KS Extreme Freezing Rain Damage and Repairs – 1/16/2017

Severe damage to Kinsley, KS from major freezing rain event: many utility poles snapped, power lines down, trees and branches down in hardest hit town of Kinsley.

All footage shot during evening daylight on January 16, 2017 in/near Kinsley, KS by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description

Shot List:

1 & 2. Pushed-in shots of utility lines covered in heavy ice in Kinsley, KS

3-7. Various shots of utility crews working on power lines in Kinsley, KS where severe ice damage will cause power to be out for a while

8. Pushed-in shot of man inside an ice-covered tree against his house cutting a large branch down with his chainsaw in Kinsley, KS

9 & 10. shots of ice-covered "muscle car" from the late 60's/early 70's near Kinsley, KS

11 & 12. pushed-in shots of ice-covered street lights NOT working, because electricity is down in the region due to many power lines snapped

13-22. Various shots of snapped utility poles, snapped and/or sagging power lines from severe icing from heavy freezing rain in Kinsley, KS

23-31. Various shots of Kinsley KS neighborhood heavily damaged from downed trees, branches, and utility poles from severe ice storm

32-35. Various shots of oscillating ice-covered power lines in wind and broken utility poles from heavy icing in Kinsley, KS

36-43. Various shots of heavy tree damage outside Kinsley, KS with some fallen trees hiding small home