Jamaica dodged Hurricane Matthew with only rough sea's and damage along the coast line.
Video from this evening along the South East coastline as local residents were checking out the large waves and rough surf.
The seas were up a good 4-6 ft and there was one section of the road at the tip of our Airport runway that had been breached by the ocean, and was in the middle of a clean up.
Additional B-Roll from Port Royal where all the canoes had been taken out of the water and were on the side of the street to prepare for the hurricane.
Shot Description
Clip 1 people checking out the rough water.
Clip 2 Rough Seas
Clip 3 People on the beach checking out the rough sea's
Clip 4 Surf pounding the rocks along the airport.
Clip 5 Road along the airport that was breached by the surf.
Clip 6 – 8 Crews trying to repair the area on the south side of the airport where the sea wall was breached.
Clip 9 – 10 Calm water around Port Royal
Clip 11 Canoes along the streets in perpetration of Hurricane Matthew.