Strong Winds Heavy Rain Blue Earth and Waseca Counties – 6/10/2016

Strong to severe winds blow rain across 140th Street Friday afternoon a mile south of Waseca, Minnesota causing minor wind damage across Southern Minnesota.

Shot List:
1. Wind and heavy rain blows across 140th Street near Waseca
2-3. Tree in heavy rain and wind
4. Traffic makes its way down the road in heavy rain/wind
5. Heavy Rain on 140th Street
6. Time lapse of shelf cloud moving across Highway 14 a mile west of North Mankato
7. Developing storm drops heavy amounts of rain north of Highway 14 near North Mankato
8. Time lapse of shelf cloud on Highway 14 a couple miles west of Waseca, MN
9. Strong winds pick up dirt of farm fields
10-11. Time lapse of storm moving towards Waseca on Highway 14