Part 1 (0:00-1:57) Alanreed, TX — 25mi West of Shamrock on I-40
A tornado-warned storm hits drivers along I-40 near the Alanreed exit west of Shamrock. Hail up to 2-inches came down sending drivers under overpasses and gas stations for cover. One driver couldn\'t stop on the hail and slid into a ditch. Another truck arrived toward the end of the storm and pulled him free (1:07-1:38).
Part 2 (1:58-4:31) Hedley, TX
The first severe storm of the day blew up across northwest TX and dropped hail up to golfbll sized near the town of Hedley. The storm produced hail for about 20 minutes before moving northeast of town.
Video opens with POV driving shots of hail along Texas Highway 273. Follows up with numerous shots of hail falling in water, on the ground, in fields, and on the road. Last shots of residents waiting out hail, including shot of a man grabbing hail from his yard, then comparing hailstones to a quarter.