Naples, FL Tornado & High Wind Damage Aftermath – 1/17/2016

Strong winds and possible tornado devastate Golden Gate subdivision in Naples Florida. Power was out part of the night and some intersections still without traffic lights (11am Eastern time).

Neighborhood cleaning up mostly downed trees, fences, utility lines, sheds, playhouses, and a trampoline. A few homes and vehicles were heavily damaged by debris.

West of Interstate 75
South of Green Boulevard
Most of the damage near and along 55 Street SW Naples

Shot Sheet:

1 Large pop-up awning stuck up in tree (55 Street SW Naples)
2 Street sigh at the corner of 55 Street SW and 19th Court SW Naples
3 Large pop-up awning stuck up in tree (Reverse Angle) 55 Street SW Naples
4 Utility crews repairing downed lines, trimming trees (Santa Barbara Boulevard)
5 Tight shot of utility wires tangled in downed trees (Santa Barbara Boulevard)
6 Wide shot of utility wires tangled in downed trees (Santa Barbara Boulevard)
7 Tight shot of utility wires tangled in fence (Santa Barbara Boulevard)
8 China Wok storefront awning blown apart ( Golden Gate Parkway)
9 Mall signage broken, partailly missing ( Golden Gate Parkway)
10 Roofing buckeled at Subway Resturant ( Golden Gate Parkway)
11 Large tree uprooted in the front yard (55 Street SW Naples)
12 Fence damaged by a fallen tree and blown apart by high winds (55 Street SW Naples)
13 Tree bent over in front yard (55 Street SW Naples)
14 Large metal overhang (carport?) landed on the side of a house (55 Street SW Naples)
15 Trampoline destroyed and laying in a front yard (55 Street SW Naples)
16 Roof shingles missing from house
17 Children's playhouse flipped and blown against a house (55 Street SW Naples)
18 Tree laying on a family truck in driveway (55 Street SW Naples)
19 Fence collapsed in backyard (55 Street SW Naples)
20 Children's playhouse blown against house 41st Street Southwest, Naples
21 Large palm tree uprooted in front yard (55 Street SW Naples)
22 Tree limb hanging from utility wires (55 Street SW Naples)
23 Metal carport collapsed in the winds 41st Street Southwest, Naples
24 Large tree uprooted in yard 41st Street SW, Naples
25 Popup awning blown into fence 41st Street Southwest, Naples
26 Large tree blown over next to driveway (55 Street SW Naples)
27 Fence downed by high winds 41st Street Southwest, Naples