Video includes two of the multiple tornadoes reported in eastern Colorado on Saturday from a long track supercell that moved northeast across the far eastern plains. Multiple tornadoes were reported elsewhere in the state.
Scene 1-2: Tornado #1 southwest of Cheyenne Wells, tripoded with SOT narration.
Scene 3: High contrast handheld shot of tornado near US 40 west of Cheyenne Wells. This was tornado #3.
Scene 4: Back to first tornado southwest of Cheyenne Wells, wider shot.
Scene 5: Timelapse of first tornado moving left to right across screen.
Scene 6: Handheld shot of large first tornado.
Scene 7: High contrast driving handheld of first tornado.
Scene 8-9: Ropey tornado, second one, touching down southwest of Cheyenne Wells.
Scene 10: Rotating clouds overhead.