Severe thunderstorms again threatened and affected the Southern Plains and Mississippi Valley on April 24, 2014. Footage of Southeast Oklahoma after strong morning storms moved through the area. Footage of severe thunderstorms moving slamming neighborhoods and traffic near Hot Springs AR with ominous shelf cloud, hail, heavy rain and high winds. And footage of severe storms further east as they pass over the Pine Bluff AR area ripping a powerline from a utility pole with high winds.
All footage shot on afternoon and evening of April 24, 2014 during daylight in/near Pine Bluff AR, Hot Springs AR, and Southeastern Oklahoma
Shot List:
1. wide shot of wild flowers behind strong morning thunderstorms in Southeast Oklahoma with wind blowing and cars driving
2. pushed-in shot of bald eagle in Southeast Oklahoma field following strong morning storms
3-6. variety of shots of utility crew repairing utility lines from strong morning storms in Southeast Oklahoma
7. wide timelapse shot of clouds racing over traffic with approaching severe storms near Hot Springs AR
8. wide shot of sun partially obscurred behind severe thunderstorm anvils near Hot Springs AR
9. pushed-in timelapse shot of ominous shelf cloud from severe thunderstorm passing over traffic near Hot Springs, AR
10. pushed-in shot of ominous shelf cloud from severe thunderstorm advancing over traffic near Hot Springs AR
11. wide shot of severe thunderstorm shelf cloud approaching traffic near Hot Springs AR
12. wide shot of severe thunderstorm shelf cloud overtaking neighborhoods and traffic near Hot Springs AR
13. pushed-in shot of shelf cloud and arcus cloud overtaking area near Hot Springs AR
14. wide shot of severe thunderstorm arcus cloud engulfing neighborhood and traffic near Hot Springs AR
15. pushed-in shot of severe thunderstorm with dark updraft base engulfing area with winds, rain, and hail beginning to fall near Hot Springs AR
16. pushed-in shot of blowing grass, falling rain/hail, and passing traffic during heart of severe thunderstorm near Hot Springs AR
17. POV driving shot of heavy rain and hail falling in traffic during severe thunderstorm near Hot Springs AR
18. POV wide shot of traffic hit by falling heavy rain and hail in town Hot Springs AR
19. POV pushed-in shot of traffic in town with heavy rain and hail falling in Hot Springs AR
20. POV driving wide shot with heavy rain falling approaching leading edge of severe thunderstorm near Pine Bluff AR
21. POV driving wide shot of passing under shelf cloud of leading edge of severe thunderstorm near Pine Bluff AR
22. wide shot of severe of severe thunderstrom updraft structure with sunset glow under behind updraft base near Pine Bluff AR
23. wide shot of ominous shelf cloud and updraft structure of severe thunderstorm near Pine Bluff AR at dusk
24. POV pushed-in shot of high winds drivng rain and hail over road in severe thunderstorm near Pine Bluff AR
25-29. variety of shots of damaged powerlines with small fire glow and some sparks after high winds from severe thunderstorm ripped a single line from the pole near Pine Bluff AR
30. wide shot of \"Pine Bluff\" and \"Little Rock\" sign with dusk sky in background and passing traffic near Pine Bluff AR
31. POV driving wide shot of beautiful skies following severe storms near Pine Bluff AR