A strong thunderstorm hits Tampa Bay Florida and looks like a tropical storm. Near zero visibility in wind driven rain and waves coming over the causeways at the Skyway bridge area at Tampa Bay.
1) Opening shot of high wind warning sign up at Skyway bridge north bound I-275.
2) Guy fishing runs and winds and waves from storm come ashore.
3) Long 46 second shot of the storm coming ashore shows transition to tropical storm like conditions.
4) Horizontal wind driven rain.
5,6,7,8) Four shots of road with vehicles and very heavy wind driven rain with waves coming over the guard rail.
9) White truck parked along water on road with waves coming over guard rail.
10) POV shot of spray over guard rail.
11) Waves hitting sea wall with wind blown palms and wind driven rain.
12) Different angle of big waves hitting breakwater along road.
13) POV shot of waves splashing over sea wall.
14,15) Couple takes turns for photo ops with their car along sea wall and spray coming over them.
16) Low angle POV spash cam shot of waves splashing over sea wall onto camera.
17) Three dash cam shots of traffic in heavy rain on I-75 south during drive home to Sarasota.