A major winter storm taking aim across the central part of the country leaves its mark across the Colorado Front Range with Blizzard Warnings and Winter Storm Advisories in effect. Snow accumulations of up to 5-inches across parts of the Metro area combined with the high winds to make very hazardous driving conditions.
Video package a 2-parter; TRT of 4:57
Part 1 – Daytime Morning Footage
Part 1 opens up with several establishing shots of heavy snow and low visibilities across the western part of the Denver area along the I-70, C-470, US-6 area. Following shots of a single vehicle accident as tow-truck pulls front-damaged car onto bed. Shots of traffic crawling by with a cop behind the accident scene. Next shot of another accident along I-70 where a car rear-ended a pickup truck. First shot taken in very heavy snow from the front, a second shot from behind with the exit sign. Next shot of a state trooper leaving the scene of an accident along I-70 in heavy snow. Next several shots of another accident along C-470 where two cars bumped. Several shots of the occupants out in the snow. Next couple of shots of high winds blowing snow across the roads. Next several shots are POV of trucker-chain up station along I-70. Final shot of part 1 a shot looking down a neighborhood street as a couple walks a dog in the heavy snow.
Part 2 – Pre-dawn Footage
Part 2 contains footage as storm begins across Denver in the pre-dawn hours. Opening POV shot driving along Pena Blvd near Denver International Airport with highway sign warning of winter driving conditions. Several shots of snow being blown across the roads with traffic moving. Last few shots of snowplows, including a couple final shots of sparks flying out from beneath the plows as they treat the roads in Mag-Chloride.
To license this footage for broadcast, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com